UKCA Marking (CE Marking)
What is UKCA Marking
On 01.01.2021 the transition period Post Brexit ended indicating change of requirement from, the European CE Marking to UK Conformity Assessment Marking (UKCA) for products including doors and windows at point of installation
Note: CE Marking and UKCA will co-exist until 01.01.2023 where, all products will then be expected to have reverted solely to the UKCA Marking
*Ongoing discussions regards NI requirements – where update will be made available on confirmation of requirements
UKCA Marking demonstrates that the product meets essential characteristic levels within individual product standards (window and doors – hEN 14351-1). These are confirmed by the manufacturer via a declaration which states the characteristic values of the product manufactured. From 1st July 2013, CE marking became mandatory for all building and construction products therefore, WINDOWS AND DOORS MUST BE UKCA MARKED if they were manufactured after this date and it is the responsibility of the manufacturer* of the finished product to ensure that the now UKCA Mark is applied. *Manufacturer can be a Fabricator or an Installer depending on who supplies the complete finished product (frame and glass)
What do I need to comply with UKCA Marking
For standard window and doors UKCA Marking conformity can be achieved by a self-Declaration of Performance document (DoP) along with Initial Type Testing (ITT) evidence confirming the information declared. Main criteria that must be met in order to comply are: • Product should be produced to a consistent standard that is controlled by an approved Factory Production Control (FPC) • Initial Type Testing (ITT) carried out by a notified body • A Declaration of Performance document (DoP) for all products manufactured • UKCA Mark label to be attached to the finished product The responsibility for checking the validity of the UKCA Mark is undertaken by Trading Standards.
Factory Production Control (FPC)
For standard window and doors UKCA Marking conformity can be achieved by a self-Declaration of Performance document (DoP) along with Initial Type Testing (ITT) evidence confirming the information declared. Main criteria that must be Manufacturing consistency is to be maintained by means of a Factory Production Control (FPC) and should consist of procedures, regular inspections, tests and training plans for all personnel involved in the manufacture of windows and doors. It is a requirement to keep appropriate records to ensure that the fabrication process is in line with the procedures and standards set out in EN 14351-1. A responsible person should be designated for management of the FPC. A FPC system conforming to the requirements of EN ISO 9000 shall be considered to fulfil requirements. REHAU have an accepted FPC available for any fabricators who do not already have one installed.met in order to comply are: • Product should be produced to a consistent standard that is controlled by an approved Factory Production Control (FPC) • Initial Type Testing (ITT) carried out by a notified body • A Declaration of Performance document (DoP) for all products manufactured • UKCA Mark label to be attached to the finished product The responsibility for checking the validity of the UKCA Mark is undertaken by Trading Standards.
Initial Type Testing (ITT)
Fabricators can make a declaration against full performance characteristic values such as resistance to wind and water however, not all values are necessary for a basic declaration. For fabricators wishing to declare performance values, ITT results can be obtained and cascaded from REHAU test results providing the production techniques, components and system design are the same. However, not all information can be supplied by REHAU where relevant information regards to declared values for load bearing of safety devices, operation forces, acoustic, radiation, ability to release (if required – Class 1) must be supplied by the relevant hardware and glazing unit suppliers. The responsibility of correctness of declared values remains with the manufacturer
Declaration of Performance (DoP)
The Declaration of Performance document provides the information about the window or door installed. The DoP can be provided as a paper document or be displayed electronically on the company’s website. The declaration must contain information regarding the product and a reference number which can be used to trace back from the UKCA Labels attached to the product. The first part of the declaration is information on the company and the system manufactured. The manufacturer must declare the level of the product: • Class1 for doors on escape routes • Class 3 for standard windows and doors – not on escape routes This classification determines minimum essential characteristics to be declared. The second part of the declaration contains the essential characteristics (values) specific to the product manufactured. For standard windows & doors (Class 3) there are only 3 declarations of ITT that must be made in order to satisfy basic conformance, where ‘no performance declared’ (npd) is acceptable for all other values: • Dangerous substances • Load bearing of safety devices • Thermal (U) Value Extra declaration required for Class 1 – doors on escape routes • Ability to release All of these can be obtained from the system supplier and hardware supplier. A Declaration of Performance template will be made available by REHAU
UKCA Label
Where possible a UKCA label should be fixed to the product and should be visible, legible and indelible. If not possible it can be attached to the packaging or accompanying paperwork. The manufacturer who applies the label should ensure that labels contain a unique reference number to enable traceability back to the Declaration of Performance to which the product relates, by means of an auditable trail.
Check List
- Factory Production Control (FPC) in place
- Declaration of dangerous substances
- Mandatory ITT reports available for reference and to complete your DoP
- Procedure in place for UKCA Marking the finished product
- All other ITT reports if you wish to declare performance (optional)
Where all of the above can be ticked the basic requirement for UKCA marking has been met
Remember – transfer from CE Marking to UKCA Marking must be in place by 1st January 2023
REHAU Ltd will be able to support you if you have any outstanding issues so act quickly if you require assistance.
CE Marking information downloads
Download all the information you need from REHAU for CE Marking Conformance.